When a low glycemic meal is consumed, blood glucose elevates at a slower pace, allowing the pancreas to moderate the amount of insulin released so it is relative to the volume of glucose. Because there is less insulin circulating in the bloodstream, fewer cells absorb glucose; levels never fall below optimal range. Food cravings and low energy crashes diminish, as the body is consistently able to utilize body fat as its primary source of energy.  Consuming balanced low glycemic meals maintains a consistent balance of hormone levels, allowing the body to function efficaciously with optimal health.

Characteristics of a Low Glycemic Lifestyle:

  • Consistently high energy levels
  • Satisfaction from eating
  • Efficient immunity
  • Weight loss and ability to maintain weight

All Renue Health Programs recognize that a low glycemic nutrition plan is not only important for the reasons indicated above, but also because:

Insulin Competes with Growth Hormone

These two hormones use the same receptor site to communicate with cells; therefore, only one hormone can be functionally elevated at a time. Managing insulin with a low glycemic diet will allow growth hormone to be optimally high and functional.


Healthy frequent meals equal steady state glucose and insulin levels, increased metabolism and decreased cravings. Steady state glucose and insulin levels equal increased fat utilization and decreased fat production.

Recently, in a very clever experiment, researchers manipulated mice genes to limit their ability to make insulin found that low-insulin mice did not become obese on a high fat diet and actually burned more energy with their white adipose tissue (fat) acting like brown adipose tissue (fat).  White adipose tissue’s primary role is energy storage, whereas brown adipose tissue’s role is energy utilization.

This finding on insulin’s effect on energy balance is very new!  We know that high insulin levels promote fat storage and decreased utilization of fat for energy, but this study clearly demonstrates that high insulin levels actually decrease energy expenditure and promote energy to be stored!

In practicing what we preach, we recognized that low glycemic nutrition is a critical element in our healthy lifestyle and that following a low glycemic nutrition plan will help to create a reliable reserve of daily energy for us to pursue our goals with increased vigor and vitality.