The supplement industry is a multi billion dollar revenue stream for thousands of companies. Staggering numbers show supplement sales reached 37 billion dollars in 2015 and that number is constantly growing.

Check out this video where Dr. Rob helps you answer the question.

A multivitamin is the one of the most common supplements sold since it covers a broad range of vitamins and minerals in a single dose. Trouble is, do you know if the multivitamin is actually helping or hurting you? According to several recent studies, many people are taking too much of particular vitamins, increasing their chances for cancer and heart disease. Here are some examples:

Beta Carotene may increase lung cancer and heart disease
Folic Acid may increase colon polyps
Vitamin E may increase prostate cancer
Selenium may increase prostate cancer

With all the ads and recommendations for supplements, what do you choose? The best way to know if you actually need a supplement is to check through lab testing, specifically a Micronutrient test.

Finally, choose the right supplements. The supplement industry is unregulated and there are lots of poor quality products being sold with no consistency or oversight in the manufacturing process. Recent reports from consumer reporting agencies show that many top brands in big chain stores were actually nothing but fillers! Talk about throwing money away! Choose reputable supplement companies that operate under pharmaceutical guidelines for quality and consistency. Some of those include Metagenics and Pure Encapsulations. If you are not sure, don’t buy it without doing your research.

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