Wouldn’t it be great to have a fountain of youth in real life? While tales of eternal youth rooted in mythology are fun to daydream about, we unfortunately do not have the power of immortality – yet.

This is a question I hear often, and there are many answers through many solutions to slow the process and appearance of aging.

To take care of our health from the inside, we advise our patients to exercise, have a clean diet and precise hormone optimization. This is essential to provide the best building blocks for our cells, which also supports our appearance as we age.

Another key element to help nourish our cells and rebuild the things that break down is already in our bodies. Your own blood contains concentrated growth factors within the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) which repair and rebuild injured tissue throughout your body. Running throughout your bloodstream in a “diluted” form, this PRP helps regenerate cells around the clock, day in, day out.

So, what happens if you concentrate this PRP and inject it back into isolated areas of the body? The area of injection receives a boost in growth factors, stimulating increased stem cell release and amplified tissue regeneration. We call it the magic in your blood for this reason.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma used for?

Orthopedic PRP Shoulder Injection

Currently, PRP is used for advanced and accelerated healing of damaged and degraded tissue for areas such as noninvasive cosmetic procedures and sports medicine. A popular example in sports medicine: Many Orthopedic surgeons use the technique of ultrasound guided PRP injections deep into damaged areas to promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. Whether the patient has this done post-surgery or not has not undergone surgery at all, PRP has been shown to help those with mild to severe injuries recovery faster, with better results.

A revolutionary area PRP is being used to rejuvenate tissue is in the cosmetic field, creating dramatic results all over the body in women and men. These restorative treatments are known as the Vampire® procedures created by Dr. Charles Runels. What better name to blend the elements of drawing the life force from your blood and restoring youth?

Current PRP cosmetic and sexual enhancement procedures we offer:

Women and men both:

  • Rebuilds collagen in the face
  • Smooths out lines and wrinkles
  • Stop hair loss and restore areas of thinning hair

Specific for women:

Specific for men (P-Shot):

Advantages of Platelet Rich Plasma Cosmetic Procedures

  • Noninvasive
  • Less expensive than surgery
  • No recovery time needed
  • One hour or less in office
  • Uses your own blood – no rejection or reactions
  • Immediate results


Platelet Rich Plasma has many physical enhancing capabilities and we are proud to offer these Vampire® procedures at Renue Health. To learn more about the PRP treatments we offer, visit Vampire Prp Treatments/ or call 937-350-5527 to talk to our helpful staff and schedule your appointment.




O-Shot for women

P-Shot for men