Did you know one in three people suffer from Hypertension?

This is a leading cause of heart failure, especially in women where 1 in 2.8 will die from heart disease. Fortunately, you can greatly reduce the chances of heart disease through a healthy lifestyle by enhancing your Endothelial lining with increased levels of Nitric Oxide.

Elevated levels of Nitric Oxide help with:

  • Increased blood flow
  • Increased oxygen delivery
  • Increased performance and endurance
  • Maintaining cardiovascular health

Where do you get Nitric Oxide? Dark green leafy vegetables tend to be among the foods highest in natural nitrates. The vegetables containing the most Nitric Oxide are Arugula, Spinach and Beets.

There are many Nitric Oxide boosting supplements out there, but we believe nothing has come close to one recently released known as Berkeley Life. This is a premium Plant Based Nitric Oxide boosting supplement specially formulated for Heart Health. This supplement and test strips are available in stores and through Dr. Rob. Check out this video where Dr. Rob discusses how to increase your Endothelial Nitric Oxide.

Science of Nitric Oxide

From Berkeley Life: There is much research showing that Nitric Oxide is required by our body for cardiovascular health, and in 1998 a Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for their discoveries concerning ‘nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system’. Nitric Oxide is naturally made in your body but as you age you produce less of it; as we age, our blood vessels and Nitric Oxide system become less efficient due to free radical damage, inactivity, and poor diet, causing our veins and arteries to deteriorate. Increasing your Nitric Oxide levels through diet and supplementation can help increase your energy, vitality and may help maintain normal healthy blood pressure levels.

Want to add more life to your years? Get your free booklet on Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Men, are you having symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction? Check out the Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) Erectile Dysfunction Treatment for Men Seeking Better Erections and Optimal Sexual Performance and the Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®)

Keeping the blood flowing

What we are talking about here is having healthy endothelium.  Endothelium is the thin interior lining of the blood vessel wall.  The endothelium of the blood vessel forms the interface between the blood and your body.  These endothelial cells secrete important substances such as nitric oxide (NO) which controls blood pressure, creates vascular tone, regulates chemical reactions, prevents oxidation and coagulation, and controls inflammatory processes.  This thin lining can be damaged in different disease processes that all have one thing in common and that is inflammation.  Inflammation is the silent killer that can start even in childhood only to later reveal itself during adulthood in damaged vessels, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, heart attacks, and strokes.


Here are the important vascular actions of nitric oxide:

  • Direct vasodilation (flow dependent and receptor mediated)
  • Indirect vasodilation by inhibiting vasoconstrictor influences (e.g., inhibits angiotensin II and sympathetic vasoconstriction)
  • Anti-thrombotic effect – inhibits platelet adhesion to the vascular endothelium
  • Anti-inflammatory effect – inhibits leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelium; scavenges superoxide anion
  • Anti-proliferative effect – inhibits smooth muscle hyperplasia

When nitric oxide production is impaired it results in:

  • Vasoconstriction (e.g., coronary vasospasm, elevated systemic vascular resistance, hypertension)
  • Thrombosis due to platelet aggregation and adhesion to vascular endothelium
  • Inflammation due to upregulation of leukocyte and endothelial adhesion molecules
  • Vascular hypertrophy and stenosis

Diseases or Conditions Associated with Abnormal Nitric Oxide Production:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Obesity
  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Heart failure
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Accelerated Aging
  • Cigarette smoking

Luckily, you have the power to change all this and create the internal environment to have healthy, fully functional endothelium by maintaining a healthy lifestyle of regular exercise, healthy nutrition, appropriate supplementation, drinking plenty of water and avoiding the endothelial damaging effects of smoking.

Remember, if the blood don’t flow the sex is a no go!


Great Cardiovascular Health Equals Great Sex

If you want more sex in your life then you have to put more life in your sex!  And life starts with the foods you choose to eat and the amount of exercise you get. Research has demonstrated that the more exercise a person gets the less likely they will experience sexual dysfunction.  Exercise boosts your body physically, emotionally, reduces stress, elevates mood, and increases confidence especially in the bedroom!  Sex is a contact sport for sure and its physical requirements will rival that of any sport that requires you to keep your clothes on.  In order to have great sex you have to have abundant energy, high aerobic capacity, strength, stamina, mobility, health and above all: Blood Flow.  Because if the blood don’t flow, the sex is a no go! 

Keeping the blood flowing starts with your nutrition.  The types of foods you eat, the vitamins and minerals you take, the amount of water you drink, and the adequate amounts of rest, the types of strenuous exercise you perform all help to create an internal environment that produces an abundance of sex hormones that stimulate sexual desire.

Inadequate amounts of the sex hormones, referred to as andropause in men and menopause in women can lead to decreased libido, fatigue, weight gain, loss of muscle mass, loss of strength, poor skin tone, increased cardiovascular issues, decreased bone density, disturbed sleep, and depression.  Correcting these deficiencies all starts with proper nutrition and adequate exercise.

Having great sex all starts with being in excellent health. Being in excellent health means no smoking, drinking limited amounts of alcohol, eating healthy balanced meals with appropriate amounts of healthy fat, exercising often, and drinking plenty of water.

Men, if you are not having at least 3-5 morning erections per week regardless of your age then it’s time to make an appointment!  Lack of erections is a tell tale sign of other health issues such as diabetes, vascular disease, and heart disease.  Decreased libido and poor erection quality are actually some of the later findings that there is a health problem.

To naturally increase your sex hormones do the following:

  • Eat healthy meals daily
  • Eat lean proteins like chicken, turkey, and lean beef
  • Eat healthy fish with omega 3 fatty acids like salmon
  • Eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables
  • Eat low sugar fruits like berries and apples
  • Avoid sugar, especially processed sugar
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Get adequate amounts of rest
  • Do intense short exercises
  • Limit unneeded stress
  • Limit alcohol

ReNue Health
is located conveniently in Springboro, Ohio with easy access from Dayton International Airport, Cincinnati International Airport or the adjacent Wright Brothers Private Airport (MGY) for those travelling by private aviation. Click here for directions and contact information.

Only one visit is necessary to perform a comprehensive history, interview, and education. Follow up evaluations, adjustments and balancing of hormones are done by phone or written communications and a return visit to Dr. Rob is not necessary. Ongoing testing and adjustment is mandatory and performed through a laboratory convenient to your home.

In addition to the Ohio office, Dr. Rob sees new patients in Salt Lake City, Utah. Appointments for either location can be made by calling the main office number 937-350-5527 for information.