• Losing Memories

How To Avoid Cognitive Decline As We Age

A decline in mental sharpness and cognitive ability are common in old age but start sooner in women than in men. Dr. Rob is “In the House” with tips to keep the fairer sex outsmarting their partners. These tips help [...]

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Getting Over The Winter Blues

As the winter weather months drag on, some folks suffer the worsening effects of agitation, depression, anxiety, and panic attacks as they wait for the warmth of spring. Dr. Rob is “In The House” with tips to help you reach [...]

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Devilish Foods – What They Are And How To Avoid Them

What do sugar, salt and fat have in common? They are three things our primitive brains crave at all times! These three are deceptively included in nearly all fast food and cheap, processed food. Why? Because this is the magic [...]

  • new_years_resolutions

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s a new year so it is time for a new you! Whether it’s weight loss or learning something new, Dr. Rob is “in the house” with secrets to keeping your new year’s resolution like a boss!   The top [...]

  • Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

It's difficult to resist all the temptation around during the holidays. The combination of food, deserts, alcohol and inactivity is more common as the days get colder and the party invites keep coming. A little here, a little there... pretty [...]

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Beating The Christmas Blues

Are you becoming a Grinch before Christmas? That's understandable, since this time of year can be stressful. Check out the video below where Dr. Rob gives you some great tips to beat the Holiday Blues!

  • nitric_oxide

Enhancing Your Endothelial Nitric Oxide

Did you know one in three people suffer from Hypertension? This is a leading cause of heart failure, especially in women where 1 in 2.8 will die from heart disease. Fortunately, you can greatly reduce the chances of heart disease [...]

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Movember (November) Is Men’s Health Awareness Month!

Men, I "Mustache" you a question... Have you had your annual checkup? And by checkup, I mean a REAL physical examination with in depth lab work and testing done? November is Men's Health Awareness Month and we are excited to [...]

  • osteoporosis-bone

Osteoporosis – What It Is And How To Prevent Bone Loss

Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue, typically as a result of hormonal changes, or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D. More people die each year from fractures due to [...]

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Stop Hair Loss! Treat Your Hair From The Inside Out

Thinning hair is a common problem among nearly half of the men and women in America. Although hair loss is accelerated by genetics in many cases, there are also many individuals (including those genetically predisposed for hair loss) that lose [...]